A glimpse into the daily happenings in the Funky Karma Magick Shop

Archive for June, 2013

Pluma says,

Hi furiends,

So much has happened to me this week that I don’t know where to start.

First, Mom told me that on Saturday morning I was going in the car with Dad to shop and get a microwave.  I like foods, shopping and Dad so that sounded ok to me.  But then she said , ‘No Pluma, not shops, shots, and a microchip.’ 

Well, I don’t drink alcohol and I don’t care too much for chips, too salty for me. But if Dad needed my help I guess I could go with him and offer support.

So we dropped Mom off at the Funky Karma store and Dad and I went to this place where we had to stand in line for a long time, (Dad stood, I was in my special cat suitcase and I mostly laid down.)  Dad was worried that I would be upset because there were a lot of dogs in that line but as I am deaf I never heard them barking or crying and they couldn’t get me in my supercat suitcase.

After a long time we got to the front of the line and some lady took me in my case into a van, opened my door and tried to jab me with a sticker!  She jabbed me twice and I did my best cat scream, ‘Mom! Help, Dad gave me away!”

Well, Mom must of called them up on the phone and gave them the what for because they put me back in my cat case, opened the van door and gave me back to my Dad.  I never got that drink, (bout that time I coulda used one too) and never got any chips either.  Dad took me right back home and gave me ice in my water dish but I am still mad at him. Who were those awful people who wanted to jab me with those sticks? You will be glad to know that I got one back by stabbing her with my claws, I know that I am not allowed to scratch people, and I mostly don’t but you have to defend yourself right?  When Mom came back from work I meowed all about it to her, she gave me lots of loves but never did get mad at Dad for trying to give me away.  Humans are so strange.  I have been sleepy all day and think I might just sleep for about a week.

PS from Mom, Really, he is such a drama queen, all he got were  his shots and a microchip so we can get him back if he gets lost., his Dad did not try to give him away.

Where is Pluma?


Pluma says, ‘Here is a good view of Moms garden, without me in it. don’t know how she got that picture cause I am in all pictures, it is written in my contract!

Gardening update

we have been adding a tire to the potatoe bush every month, filling it with dirt and watering well.

we have been adding a tire to the potato bush every month, filling it with dirt and watering well.

Pluma having a good time outside.

Pluma having a good time outside in the garden


Todays harvest will be lunch soon.

Pansies are almost finished for the year, with the high temps we have been having they decide to retire.  Will plant more next fall for winter growth.

Pansies are almost finished for the year, with the high temps we have been having they decide to retire. Will plant more next fall for winter growth.