A glimpse into the daily happenings in the Funky Karma Magick Shop

Archive for the ‘Incense’ Category

Growing up and eating people foods!!

Hi Everyone, Pluma here.  Hope you have had good holidays and are enjoying the new year!

Mom says I am growing up.  I will be 7 this month and will have a party Jan. 17th at the Funky Karma Shop.  I am not allowed to have cake, (and I wouldn’t eat it anyway) so I will be giving Birthday Cake Incense to everyone who comes in to see me that day.

Yesterday was New Years Day and Mom and Dad had special food to eat.  In all of my years I have never eaten people food, even when it was offered to me, I turn up my nose and walk away.  I only like my cat crunches, and some treats that Miss Ann brings to the shop.  BUT. . . now I LOVE real live fresh dead shrimp!  Many of my friends on the Internets have told me they love shrimps but I wouldn’t eat them until this year. Yesterday I ate 3! They were delicious and I want more but Mom says “You have to wait for a special day to have more” I said “Why?  I want more right now!”

After dinner and a nap Dad and I played fetch for hours.  He can throw the toy to the far end of the house, I like to run fast and slide on the hardwood floor, catch the toy then run real fast back to him so he can throw it again.  Mom throws like a girl, not very far and it’s not as much fun.

The Pansys have passed away, making way for the new,


They were lovely while they lasted, but the high triple digit temperatures have done them in.  I pressed many in the pages of a large book , later I will use them in artwork and many more were dried to be used in a special incense blend.

Money Incense


This incense is ready and packaged for pickup in the shop, or can shipped to you.

Our very popular herbal Money Incense begins with Coreopsis,

Golden coin shaped round flowers, a good beginning for our popular Money Incense.

These bloom all summer; picking the flowers encourages more to bloom.

Dried flower heads shrink quite a bit, it is a good thing that I have several clumps of this growing, some in pots others in the ground.

This Money Incense, designed to be burned with charcoal, contains other herbs and spices including pine, cinnawmon, jasmine and others and has an enticing orangey/lemony scent.

we will be making new batches of this incense throughout the summer and fall.


Good News today,

New bottles in today so we can start bottling again…oils and waters will be replenished soon!! And a notice of delivery for the pyramids…should be here Friday afternoon!  Then the Palo Santo and string incense should be in by Saturday…and great news…a helper is on her way in today! Yeah for good news!


New in the Shop today,

  • New in the shop today…
  • Nag Champa..40gram, 100gram also Nag Cones!
  • Red Nag ..40gram
  • Golka Nag 40 gram, 100 gram
  • Frank & Myrrh 8gram
  • Nag Champa Flora
  • All are great Holiday gifts.


Happy Mabon! Well happy almost Mabon.  The summer is all but gone and the equinox is upon us.  While this might go down as the year of the great orange candle shortage, we still have plenty of supplies for your Mabon altar.

Red candles work well as apples ripen on the trees and are a fruit of autumn.  Purple candles match the blooms and berries of Woody nightshade, (commonly mistaken for belladonna) which is growing and thriving in the wild at this time of year.

Brown candles are traditional for fall as they represent the Earth getting ready to hibernate for the winter; also, pecans are almost ready for harvest.

For Mabon Anastasia wants to share this recipe with you. She feels that Apple Bread is overdone so she ‘s sharing a recipe for Pumpkin Bread.

1 (15 ounce) can pumpkin puree
4 eggs
1/2 cup vegetable oil
1/2 cup apple sauce
2/3 cup water
1/2 tsp vanilla
3 cups white sugar
3 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking soda
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1/2 teaspoon ground cloves
1/4 teaspoon ground ginger
1/2 cup raisins (optional)

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease and flour three 7×3 inch loaf pans.

2. In a large bowl, mix together pumpkin puree, eggs, oil, apple sauce, vanilla, water and sugar until well blended. In a separate bowl, whisk together the flour, baking soda, salt, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves and ginger. Stir the dry ingredients into the pumpkin mixture until just blended. Mix in raisins. Pour into the prepared pans.

3. Bake for about 50 minutes. Loaves are done when toothpick inserted in center comes out clean.

This freezes well too. So if you don’t want to share after you’ve made it, save the spare loaf or loaves.

Cranberries can be substituted for raisins.  And speaking of cranberries, a cup of the delicious Cranberry Tea from the Funky Karma Tea Room goes well with this bread. We have Cinnamon, Ginger, Nutmeg and Cloves in the Herb & Spice Room.

All of these are related to the Autumn Harvest. We also have Mabon Oil nd Mabon Incense.  Stop in and see up for your ritual supplies, and have a Happy Mabon.

New Flavors of Cone incense today…

Just now adding RAIN and RASPBERRY large cones…smell delicious!

Cone incense table got a remake today!

Cone incense table has a new glass shelf...more room...more scents coming next week!Organized!!! Easy to find your favorite.

Funky Karma Online Store now active!!!!!!

Only a few products today but I will be adding everyday until we have full strength.


and will be available on facebook also.

List of original products made here in the Funky Karma Shop
