A glimpse into the daily happenings in the Funky Karma Magick Shop

Archive for November, 2015

Burning in your cauldron,

Many times we have a small cauldron and no natural pine, juniper or other materials that will fit in the container. Here is the solution to that problem: a burning kit containing a charcoal disc, small branches and berries and a delicious scent.   Available for $5.99.  Great for the full moon, Yule or any time you want a special burn.


Here is a new picture of the magickal space in my garden shed where these special kits were designed, created and packaged.


Watch for more great products coming to the Funky karma!!

Up coming events at the Funky Karma

Exciting events coming up…

Nov. 28 th. 10-6PM Small Business Saturday, here is an opportunity to shop in small businesses, and make a difference locally… Please come out and support us that day.  Free canvas shopping bags to the first 10 customers who spend $100. or more, everyone gets a special paper shopping bag, no matter what you spend.

Dec. 5, 3-8PM  Candlelight Yuletide Celebration

***Free Tea and Cookies

***Tarot Readings, Reiki, Chakra Balancing, Cleansing, and Past Life                               Regressions all $10. that evening only.

***Free Classes

*** Lots More!!!