A glimpse into the daily happenings in the Funky Karma Magick Shop

Archive for March, 2012

Pluma in the garden,

I had a great Sunday and Monday… my new harness came and when I have it on I can be outside!  I LOVE to be outside.

I can sit in moms shed, look out at everything in the yard.

I like to drink water from the headwaters of the stream that waters the spring circle garden, I gets very thursty!

Sniff, sniff. Mom says theres somethink wrong wiff these tulips but they smell fine to me!

Did you notice anything about me in these pictures?  Nothing attached to my harness.  Mom says that just having it on turns me into a good boy, wait, I am always a good boy!  She says if I try to escape I will get hitched up…that can’t be good!

I yam taking Sunday off this week, here is what I am going to do…

Mom is working in the garden, I yam watchin her.

I yam susposed to stay in Moms garden area but I like to escape to Daddys work space and hide under his table.

I'll stay right here, honest, I won't run away. promise.

Pluma’s viewpoint

Here I yam, in my basket by Mommys desk in the store where I can keep an eye on everything.

New Classes starting in May…

First and Third Thursdays Ladies Night at 6:30pm… starting in May…different class each week, Meditation, Smudging, CandleMagick, Hex Removing, and MANY OTHER exciting topics.  Cost will be $5.00 each class, Please let me know if you are interested as space will be limited.

Good News today,

New bottles in today so we can start bottling again…oils and waters will be replenished soon!! And a notice of delivery for the pyramids…should be here Friday afternoon!  Then the Palo Santo and string incense should be in by Saturday…and great news…a helper is on her way in today! Yeah for good news!


Happy Saint Patricks Day…

Here I yam in my ShamrocK suit Mom says I look cute but I hate clothes.

May you always be Blessed with

A sunbeam to warm you,

A moon beam to charm you

And a Guardian Angel

So Nothing can harm you.


Pluma here, with a harness problem,

I Efurryone,

Hope you are all well, we are having the colds weather again…I want my warm sun back so I can enjoy my catnip garden!  Hey, here is my problem…Mommy has found the best cat harness for me, she saw it on another cat blog and finally tracked it down and we are sooooo excited but just found out that the store selling it doesn’t ship to the USA!  Imagine that.  It is a “Trixie Cat Harness XCat” from Zooplus.com and even has a “Security” badge she can purchase for it…I yam a working cat, you know, and security is one of my areas of  expertise.  I would so look great in that harness, and Mom says it is more comfortable for me and easier to put on.   we are going to explore other ways to get it so stay tuned for updates on this impawtant topic.