A glimpse into the daily happenings in the Funky Karma Magick Shop

Archive for May, 2010

Holiday Weekend

catnipThe shop will close at 4pm Saturday May 29th, remain closed on Sunday and Monday (our regular day closed) and reopen 10am Tuesday June 1st.

We wish all a safe and relaxing weekend.  I plan to work in my garden, perhaps harvest some mints – have planted every kind I could find – peppermint, spearmint, apple mint, lemon mint, chocolate mint and pineapple mint. Hope to find an orange mint next time I go to the plant store.  This is the first season of the garden at the new location and after much hard work the garden shed is up and setup with drying racks, the brick patio is laid and the garden cultivated and planted. Most of the mints are in pots so they won’t overrun their neighbors, growing fast and will be giving up a small harvest this year.  All mints are so useful in teas, incense blends, and oils.  Products using my home grown mints will be available sometime in July.

Pluma has 4 catnip plants; he’s been sampling the product and approved of it, and will share with others as soon as I harvest, dry and crochet it into toys.  Most likely will be in the shop by mid June.

Pluma and Bath Salts

She’s been working today, in between customers and visits from friends, the Lavender & Lilac Bath Salts, were ready to be packaged in cone bags with handcrafted labels tied on with purple ribbon.  They sure are pretty! Most people buy one for themselves and one to give away. I grabbed one ribbon when she was otherwise occupied, ran with it into a quiet corner and had a good playtime shredding that ribbon. I like the silky ribbon strands and the rustle of the bags but don’t understand all the fuss people make over bath products like that, saying  ‘it relaxes them’.  I just use my tongue, clean my white fur & straighten my whiskers then fall right to sleep. That’s one of the differences between humans and Cats.  We live a simpler life;  as long as we have food, toys, petting and a good bed we are happy.  So I checked out the new bath salts, and approved them and directed her to place the basket of new stuff on the front counter. 

Now I see she is getting out the pink ribbon…what is she making now? Hey! Maybe I can grab a pink ribbon to go with my purple one.

Visit with Maria

Had a grand visit with Maria today, she stopped by to leave the handouts for the Mesilla Valley Fractal Artists Show to be held at the Branigan Cultural Center, June 4-26th. The Fractal Ladies have really outdone themselves with this new showing, don’t miss it!  I plan to go on June 18th 5:30-6:30 and learn from her how Fractals are created.

After talking about the show we then spent quite a while discoursing on our favorite subjects- gardening – mostly we like tomatoes, the big ones for making sandwiches, cooking  – she just spent a week cooking Greek foods, and the state of the world – too much violence, crazy politicians and the total interconnection of everything.

Pluma Tells All, (or almost all).

Hi everyone,

If you’ve stopped by the Funky Karma Magic Shop,  then you know who I am, and I know you.  If you haven’t been in or live too far away let me introduce myself. I am PlumaBlanca, (White Feather- because of my snow-white fluffy tail, you know) and they call me a cat, ok, humans have this urge to shove things into categories and I do have the aforementioned tail.  I can be a cat when I have to, but really  I am a Charmingly Adept Talisman. Nothing gets done, started, sold, put into motion, bagged, boxed, painted, bottled, or shelved until I have examined it, sniffed it, agreed upon it and approved of it.

On working days, after breakfast and a quick playtime with my human man, I jump into my carrying case, settle down for a short nap and have my human lady drive me to the Funky Karma Shop,  where, after another breakfast I begin my day of greeting my friends,(called customers, but I know they really come in to play with me), and the always challenging work of supervising, nudging, organizing and directing the events of the day.

"I need a napping spot up here."

Hello world!

Just a short note about magick!

  • The first guiding principle when contemplating the use of magick  is ‘Harm None’   I make this a strict priority because my life is  way more pleasant  when I am not  fighting off the results of harming others, and no ‘bounce backs’  will glam onto me.  What we do comes back to us, doing only good means we have a better chance of only get good back. That makes my day easier!
  • There are several types of magick, all work, but all are not equally beneficial for us.  One guiding principle I totally follow in my own magickal practice is ‘ Do not use magick  to coerce another into doing something against their will’.  We all enjoy freewill, disrupting another’s freewill will splash back on us and we will not like the results.  Although coercive magickal traditions have a long history of use, I find that it is not the path for me.
  • When using magic be sure to think through what the expected result will be, making really sure that we  want that result and all  ramifications that come with it.  This takes practice.  I use the old carpenters rule of ‘measure 3 times, cut once’.  In magick that means that I think about what I am about to do, gathering my supplies, meditating and planning  my spell or ritual  for a space of time 3 times longer than the length of time my ritual or spell is expected to take, then perform that spell only if  I am sure of its usefulness to my life.
  • Be specific.  When stating an intent always study the words to be used, making sure they aren’t open to alternative interpretation by whatever power you are calling on for help. Phrase your magickal intentions in a positive language, then expect positive results.